Friday, October 3, 2008

Dads and Donuts!

Today was very special, because my Mattie's kindergarten class had Dads and Donuts Day! You know I was totally looking forward to this! 

This is a drawing Mattie did of me, the top one. See the likeness?
and these are our kid photos...
all the dads waiting in the hallway...
Mattie made a card, placemat, and nametag for me to wear!
this is the bio Mattie made for me...
The proud kindergartner
Me, photo taken by Mattie... she's pretty good, don't you think?
one of Mattie's classmates...

Mattie's teacher, Mrs. Prentice!

Another portrait by Mattie!

song time!
Mattie pointing out where dolphins live...
a puppet show by Mattie
the class gerbil

Mattie's music teacher
and one final photo before we go!

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